Your wish is my command *O* So - here we are ... Next page *o*
JOHNNY: Your wish is my - can I handle so much responsability?
You have the last 12 years so I am sure you can, pet *o*
*kisses her darling beau to his great delight*

SMILING JOHNNY: You do love the Old Town, don't you *o* ?
Yes, baby *o* Almost as much as you *O*
But no, this summer picture doesn't have that much to do with Christmas so let's flap on *o*
Tshee-hee *o* That's more like Christmas *O*
... but here's your coat, pet *o*
SHIVERING 'GYPSY' SANTA: Tha-thanks !!! ... silly birdie *o*


Clu-cluck ? Easy ...
EMBARRASSED EDITOR: Erm - sorry about that *o* That hat was too tight ... Tshe
Oh - so sorry, baby *o* *kisses her man as an apology for the tight Photoshop hat *
Tshee-hee-hee *O*
JOHNNY: Oh, so Jack - the wild dangerous pirate - close that silly little beak and remove the
cartoon question mark in the air *o* But Jack can't scare you *O* ?
No *o*
And neither can you when I get a moment to think about it - you would NEVER harm me !!! *O* !!!


Just looka here how you spoil me - even when I'm acting spoiled *O*
BLUSHING, BUT HAPPY IMAGINARY BOY-FRIEND: Yeah - well - I did have my own hat so why take yours
... Which was mouse size anyway so way too small for me *O*
Tshee-hee-hee *O* NEXT page *o*