
Christmas 03 - page 2


I've been really busy making silly Christmas pictures so I have about 20 *O*
SMILING EDITOR: Then let's get started hanging them, girlie ! *o* !
Cluck, baby *o*


Two angels *O* *swearing is heard in the background because a hammer hit a thumb instead of the nail *
Hi - are angels allowed to say that, Johnny ???
JOHNNY: Are angels allowed to say - tshee-hee-hee *O*
Yes, my angel *o* You are certainly allowed to giggle that *O*
SMILING "ANGEL": What has that background to do with Christmas, honey *o* ?
Erm - nothing much *o* I was just trying something out *O*



It can't all be angels and Santas and such *o* But - why do you look so sad here ...
EDITOR TRYING TO REMEMBER: Erm - I had just smoked my last cig and you want me to stay and make pictures instead of going off to buy some more?
Sounds like us *O*
But look! Mean Meeps allowed her poor wee baby to smoke again *O*
GRINNING JOHNNY: Yeah, you found a half empty pack of cigarettes in the bedroom so we could go on making more Danish silliness *O*
Cluck *o*



EMBARRASSED, BUT ALSO HAPPY FICTIONAL FELLA: Hi? Enough with the angel stuff already, birdie *O*
Yeah *o* But it suits you, Sir *O* Tshee-hee-hee *O*
STILL SMOKING - AND TICKLING - 'ANGEL': Next page, please ! *O* !