LAUGHING JOHNNY: Really - birdi-hee-hee-hee *O*
Yes, but it's actually revenge *o* There was a commercial in TV here before Christams where
a chicken clucked "Eat more pork" so Miss Piggy thought she should have her say too *O*
Tshee-hee *O*


Oh, care-cluck-ful, Johnny !!! Don't fall off that drum, baby ...
SMILING JOHNNY SAFELY BESIDE MEEPS: Henmother *o* *kisses his hen because he loves she
looks out for him*
Tshe *o* NEXT pic *O*
A sack full of lovely little cuties *O*
THE "CUTE": Hmmm - next picture *O*


I want one of those presents !!! I want one of - I want ALL of those presents !!! *O* !!! *jumps
up and down being a spoilt birdie as already mentioned *
MEEPSIE'S FAVORITE 'PRESENT': Yes, dear ... Is Bon Bon singing opera?
... cluck - it sure looks like it *O* Wagner -o* ?
JOHNNY WITH A RATHER RED FACE: Really - NO comment !!! ..... tshee-hee
Excellent comment, sweetie *O*
