
The weird and ... Chapter 7


A peaceful interlude and a venerable old
- although he'll probably not always admit to being so *O*
- professor *o*

Suddenly Louis Roque stood beside Johnny and said "Why did you run off, Hunny? Was it something I said ..." And our little fur blushed and said "Quiet! Not now ...!"
So Johnny - smiling - told Louis that Hunnybear just had run off to tell us a piece of important information. Then he turned to me again saying "How about we go home, sweetie? To our own little house in the wood and relax a bit ..."
When I nodded and smiled happily to my sweet boy he beamed and blushed and looked absolutly adorable. Then - probably to hide that - he bend down and asked Louis and Hunnybear if they would like to stay or come with us.
To my great pleasure I must admit they chose to stay. And Long John very kindly promise to help them home later through a couple of bookworm-holes.
So we said goodbye to as many of our friends we could find. Although Lefty was so busy with a couple of beautiful female pirates that I don´t think he heard *o*
After a short while though Johnny and I sneaked off in the direction Silver had showed us. Up-hill to a very straight waterfall and then behind the water into a cave where we slipped though an oval door in the back coming out at the Old Oak in Sherwood Forest.
Yes, my imaginary wood is Robin Hood´s old hunting ground. And now I have the best Little Johnny in the world I feel more at home there than I have ever did before *O*
And well home in our little house our own broad, soft, warm - wonderful - bed felt like Heaven. ... with my little part time angel playing me to sleep on his guitar -o* 
The next day - in the real life, that is - I was suppose to go home from the hospital right after we had eaten at twelve o´clock. But since I expected it to be hard work getting me home and also firmly foretold that I would bawl and whined when safely arrived at home I suggested a little treat for Johnny while we waited for noon.
"I am to play the sheriff in "High Noon" and sing "Don´t forsake me, oh, my darling - oh, my darling Meepsieline" Johnny suggested grinning. Then added seriously "But it is a treat for me to be with you, Meepsieline - always. And I am sure we will manage to get home O.K. since you're usually much braver than you'll admit"
That sweet claim of course earned him some more kisses.
But then I went on "I still think you should try going with Lara Croft and do some tomb raiding while we wait. ... then I will visit Mount Athos with old professor Jones. You must remember I am an elderly lady - compared to you - so I would rather tshee-hee-hee *O* "
Here I broke down giggling because Johnny started to make faces at me the moment I mentioned professor Henry Jones sen. But in the end he agreed to my plan and promised to be back five minutes to twelve.
Here I´ll leave the word to Johnny so he can tell what happened while he was with the lovely daring Ms. Croft *o*
Erm - Johnny says I should tell first what happened to me and H. Jones. And since that is quickly done I will ...
We did arrive at Mount Athos and got into the biggest of the monasteries there. I was dressed in some of Johnny´s clothes - one of his caps and his shades - in order to look like a man. Females not been allowed at all in the monasteries.
Silly men, actually ...
Even old monks were born of women - their mums - were they not? So what is so wrong with one half of the human race, I ask you!
Anyway ...
I asked the charming professor why the saint on the icon we were precently studying looked so grumpy. And he rumbled with that wonderful Scottich accent "Oh, he isn´t mad, my dear lass - he just wasn´t able to find his acid pills the day the painter stopped by"
So I giggled and out we went.
The monks claimed men do not giggle ...
... they have never heard my Johnny being silly then *O*
But nevertheless - we got thrown out - down the garbage chute no less. Which left the venerate professor highly offended - and let me to learn some new swear word - scottish -o* Then he helped me to my feet and grumbled "Oh, well, could be worse - at least we are alive! ... eh - sorry - now I am getting the movies mixed up - you must excuse an old man, little chick"
Which of course I do *O*
But back to Johnny´s adventure *o* Though - maybe we better grab a whole new page for that ... So please take the forward link below to chapter 8 -o*