But he is also a "prince" - MY prince in my imagination!
Prince Charming? Tshee-hee *O*
And here he wears the crown - two different crowns just to prove the point -O*


Bloody lazy pirate ... Leaning on my sign like that !!!
... O.K. - O.K. don't pout, Jack *o* You are a spoilt little pirate pet so lean away
But young Orlando - I mean of course young Will Turner -O* - canīt quite understand why his hero put up with the silly Meeps *O*
Erm - neither can I ... But in my imagination he
does *o*
Yahoo *O*


So I am ready to invade - wading in on him whether
he wants it or not *o*
... hm - my fictional beau smiles and says it is O.K. *O*
As long as I take those waders off - they are not sexy, he giggles ...
Tshe *o*
Just look at him ... Hm - I think I have sighed
that before -o*
But still - ainīt he just GORGEOUS !!! *O* !!!


Those eyes - and that mouth!
I am happily melting here ... Tshee-hee *o*
I wish I was that strawberry ... But then he would
eat me - yikes!
And that would probably be a bit too close up and personal ...
Tshee-hee *o*
But - Sam, could you please stop eating for a moment and help, though?
I am melting and going down the drain and - and mmmm - yes, sweetie *o*
That kiss certainly helped *O*


Aye-aye, Captain - Sir! Your wish is my command!!
Or something like that -O* ... what, Jack? Jump
over the moon ...
Then you have to kiss me first !!! *o* !!!
Joh - Jack- the horsey is looking !!! ...
not to mention the "customers" hopefully coming by to see these pages -O*
STOP, baby !!!
You are my prince - king and very WONDERFUL but canīt walk on water ... Yes, baby *o* You can walk in it and splash around *O* And make my feathers all wet - I am not a duck, young
man! Tshe *o*
Wanna borrow those waders?


Donīt look so worried, darling ...
I've brought dry clothes for both of us - and the flowers suits you, Sir -O*
... here is a warming kiss and there're several more where that came from if it can help