Sorry, sweetie *o* *kisses her boy and then goes on clucking and 'hanging' pictures *

Here you're studying what NOT to do when painting Easter eggs *O*
but there was no real harm done *o* The paint you got in your little face could wash of with ordinary water
and soap *O*
Clu - I mean; quack, baby *O*
And I am still offering you eggs aplenty *o*
STILL SMILING JOHNNY: And looking very cute
while doing so *o*
... shush now, baby - people are listening *O*


But - you KNOW I can't lay eggs !!! *o* !!!
JOHNNY: No *o* But make
them from scratch in Photoshop with shapes, colours and such *O*
Cluck *O* ... and here we are out in the park again with Johnny suddenly getting shy and getting
out of the picture in a hurry *o*
SHY GUY: Yeah - but still ...
HAPPY EASTER, folks *o*
