... but he doesn't seem to mind much after all actually? Haven't killed me at all -O*
!!! *O* !!!
And I do love him *o*
... O.K. you probably know that *O*
TEASING EDITOR: You think? But how could they ... You have never ever clucked that
before in your li-hee-hee-hife *O*
Dumb sweetie *o* *kisses her not at all dumb fictional fella *


Ain't that the truth !!! *o* !!!
JOHNNY: Yeah - but I should have listened to the Headless when he said one should never
work with butterflies ... This yella flutterby talked of NOTHING but fashion and though I like clothes as such it
became a bit too much!
Poor wee baby -o*
Trees are not much better, I'm afraid - beautiful and very useful in every way but NOT that smart!
Maybe it is because they stand still at the same spot year in and year out ...
SMILING EDITOR: Yeah *o* ? What's the butterflies' excuse then -O* ?
Eh - UH *O* Cluck *o*
