Well, I certainly donīt have any problems with this pirate *O*

But maybe he has ...
Perhaps our pretty pirate pet has problems with all the eager fans or - or this fan - he *o*
"No, no, Meeps" my fictional beauty told me while I made the next card "I have no problems with
all the new fans - and I am pretty sure the real life Johnny Depp is happy about them - he ought to be! ... itīs just such
a surprise, you see"
Well, no surprise to me, Iīm sure! I believe Johnny ought to have even more fans
! *o* !
Then my Johnny giggled "But who was that little blue guy with the red hair ehind the surprised
pirate above?" Well, that was me - I am really an alien and look like that when not hiding in chicken feathers
- he *o*


"But I DO have a problem with this ! MEEEEEPS !!!" he roared a moment later. Then broke down
laughing and gasped "Isnīt that Tom Cruiseīs antlers?"
But no, Johnny-sweet, it is the deerīs -o*
Can he really hide those BIIIIIIIIIG antlers under a normal sized hat?
Tshee-hee *O*
Isnīt he cute though as himself *o* ? ... or just for ever cute?
Yes *o*


Tshee-hee *O*
A moment after this was made Johnny - eh - Jack sneezed himself out of the picture ... Off the
(treasure)map, so to speak -O*
Letters - an X on the nose tickles, he claims *o*
Bye-bye for now *O*