
Johnny went to Japan ...


... and I went berserk - as much as a chicken dare anyway -O*


Oh - how cuuuuute ...
Yes, you are, Johnny! Shush now, honey *o*
BLUSHING EDITOR: NEXT picture !!! You silly bird, you *o*

Hm - o.k. - you probably knew already that I think that about Johnny -O*
SMILING JOHNNY SWEETS: Yeah, I think the usual suspe - erm, the regular 'customers' here know that as well as I *O*
Well, then please take your flowers so I can get my kiss and you can get a bear hug in return -o*



Doesn´t he look shy and embarrassed here - but still also so very happy because of all the attention lavished on him *o*
JOHNNY AGAIN: You are embarrassing to listen to, little birdie - maybe I should take a trip to Japan too and ... Hi, no crying - I can't handle that! So I guess I'll stay *o* ... or at least bring you with me *O*