Whether you want it or not !!! Doctor M. Magpie's
order -o* Tshee-hee *O*
... oh - O.K. if you don't want to you don't have to, of course *o* *gets pink feathers
around her beak because she's embarrassed *
SMILING EDITOR: Don't you think they want to see Jack and Bon Bon among others in
Santa's sack, baby birdie?
Cluck? Yes *O* O.K. we go on then *o*


Ain't he just so CUTE *O* ... he *o* And now he's
pouting and telling me to go on - and looking even cuter *O*
EDITOR AGAIN: Birds !!! Next pic, you naughty little ball of sweet feathers
Cluck *O*
Here 'Santa Johnny' is out taking pictures and even feeling friendly towards the paparazzi for once
*O* ... but Johnny - you need to wipe that big heart away before you can take any snaps *o*
JOHNNY SWEETS: Well, no - that was placed there on purpose so I couldn't see the paparazzie
- savvy -o* ?
Cluck, baby *O*


Oh, you and roses does suit one another *O* Must be because you are Mumsy Aphrodite's boy *o*
But you look good with any flower - and without flowers and - and mmmrmrmrmrm *O* *purrs happily
with Johnny's soft warm hand over her beak *
EDITOR: Let's have a nice bit of censurship here -o* ... and turn the page *O*
