
Spoiled babies - cute ones too -o*


- MY fictional baby is rather grown-up looking -
for a mere baby, I mean ...
But still cute -o*

Hereīs two babies for you 'argueing' over a piece of fruit *o* But donīt you worry though - the big got got another banana a moment later *O*



Oh ... Scrumptious !!! Simply scrumptious *O*
But he is a bit exasperated, it seems ... - just "listen" to this -o*

I certainly hope so, young master Sweets *O*
... I haven't allowed you to die after all - sniff !
FIRST SURPRISED AND THEN SMILING EDITOR: There, there, my silly little birdie - here, Miss Sweetfeathers ... Let me wipe your little beak and kiss you too *does* and tell - no, order you not to believe your own silliness *o*
Cluck, Johnny! Tshe *o*



O.K. then - why donīt you sit down and relax then *o*
JOHNNY TRYING TO MAKE HIS BIRDIE SMILE: No - won't! That big sign might fall down on top of me - of poor little old me!
Did any one mention the word "spoilt" before? ... tshee-hee-hee *O*

On the other wing - erm, hand Mean Meeps is pulling her poor wee pirateīs leg - very good looking legs too !!! - at every chance I get *O*



And he doesnīt mind, he giggles - looking much like the luxury 'beach bum' here while doing so *O* So I am spoilt too, I guess - he *o*

Here he wonder though how I got that heart up there ... Since I suffer from vertigo, he said *o*
But "love concurs all" don Johnny de Gorgeous!
Tshee-hee *O*



Still cute? Oh, yes !!! Definitely, seriously and then some *O*
JOHNNY SWEETS: It isn't FAIR ... You find all the pictures where I look like - nothing like the really bad egg - man - I am !!!
... where on Earth have you seen pictures where you look any different, baby ???
JOHNNY AGAIN: ... no comment *o*

One more hungry baby sparrow chick (SMILING EDITOR: Who normally goes by the name of Meeps when she's not trying to tease me with my pirate name -o* ) who expects Johnny - I mean; captain Jack SPARROW to feed her *O*
And my sweetie of course did - after having laughed at it *O*



After that Johnny thought I needed glasses - in order to see Jack Sparrow isnīt a sparrow, he said *o*
But of course he is !!! The cutest little birdie ever *O*

I am certainly glad, you are satisfied, my good captain *o*
He hasnīt seen the flowers yet - tshee-hee -O*



But babies get tired and my invented one did too -o*
Threw himself down on the bed and went on a "lay-down-strike" as he called it - looking very cute doing so *O*

I persuaded him to come and lay on the couch instead so I could look over at him while I work *o* ... babies are so very cute when they are sleeping, right? And this big one is all the time *O*
But maybe it is just as well he is sleeping now or he would protest all he could *o* ... and he CAN *O*
